Sunday, April 6, 2008

Mini Family Photo Shoot

When the Bjorkmans were out here, we did another little photo shoot. It was a really tough day to shoot because it was overcast so everything was looking very gray, but it was bright enough to make squinting an issue. You can see it in a couple of the pictures. A few adjustments to white balance in the camera took away some of the grayness and some overexposure helped with some of the shadows on the face they they had their backs to the sun. It's not the best of shoots, but a couple turned out alright.

I really like the one of Abby running. I think it captures her personality and who she is. Also, I couldn't help but include a bunch of Jocy. She's looking over her shoulder in the shots because she's watching her sisters play. She kept making funny faces and getting excited while watching them. And of course the "foo-dogs" picture is classic.

Adge, if you click on the pictures you can open and download them.


Lesley said...

The presentation of those photos made them look even better than the already are.

Evan said...

great post trev. Steve is looking thin, Jocy and Adge looking as cute as ever, and the twins are looking sooooo cool.

Meredith said...

wonderful post Trevor. Maybe you could do a Winter family photo shoot sometime? Also- the Cougar Crazies blog got brought up in my sports class yesterday and not by me! It was hilarious. I'll give details later.