Monday, February 18, 2008

Macro Shots

With Lesley out of town I tend to get pretty bored. And since today was a banking holiday and I couldn't get much done anyway, I blew off work a little early and headed home to take some pictures. I figured I'd practice my macro stuff a little bit. Jason's tip about using the timer with the tripod to make sure the photo was absolutely still when shooting with a small aperture was quite helpful. Here are a few of the macro ones that turned out decent. I also did some editing for the first time. The Skittles had a ton of white spots on them from the package so I got rid of most of them. I really need more vision when it comes to picking shots.


Evan said...

skittles good. hands just a little creepy.

Jason Donaldson said...

I like the Skittles too, especially the dented green one in the top right corner. The orange is good too. I think the hands are more than a little creepy.

Russ Nelson said...

It looks like everyone has already said what I wanted to say. Food good!! The Big Guy's hand, creepy, but that's ok cause you are creepy.

Jeris and Suzanna Hobbs said...

I don't know what it is but I have always loved Trevor's strong masculine hands. They just make me feel so safe. Plus it is good to see that he found his wedding ring.

Triz said...

I didn't find it. Lesley bought me a new one for Valentine's Day. No more taking my ring off.

Lesley said...

I have to disagree with all of the above comments minus Jeris'. I told Trevor I think the Skittles picture is maybe lacking in the originality area. I like the hands photos - unique, good contrast, nice angles.

I just might venture to say that the male gender is appeased by things of a shallower nature than women, like food:)

Triz said...

See guys........I'm deep, not creepy.

Jason Donaldson said...

Trevor, I think I remember you telling me you liked the Skittles best too...

The Winns said...

Dude....those are not sexy hands! Now pictures of food...I dig that!