I always told myself I was going to save my first blogging experience for marriage, but then Trevor made the first move and I couldn't resist.
Over an extended MLK weekend Megan and I went to Tahoe for my first ever ski/snowboard trip. On our first full day we decide to rent snowboards and head up the mountain. The first run down the bunny slope isn't as easy as I had envisioned in my mind as I can't get my board to turn right. With a new found "technique" I make up as I wait in line for the next ride to the top, I'm ready to conquer going to my right. Closing in on the summit, I put my board down and prepare for launch. As I start to gracefully glide away, suddenly Megan pushes me in the back and I fly face first into the ground with my elbow planted firmly in my ribs. I groan and roll away so that the 3 and 4 year olds don't ski over me. The lift attendant asks if I need assistance as I writhe in pain. Megan scoots over and claims she thought she was "pushing off the lift." I force myself down the bunny slope for the second run of the day with what feels like a cracked rib/torn cartilage/bruised liver or pancreas (I can't remember what side they're on)/punctured lung/broken heart/bruised ego.
On our second full day Megan gets up early and goes skiing. After I manage to roll out of bed onto my knees, I pull myself up using the dresser and make it downstairs. With some light stretching and breathing exercises I can only equate to Lamaze, I strap on the snow shoes and head out to take some pictures. Please note that this was only my fourth time taking the camera out into the world...